
The below information is provided for reference as given to us by the shipping companies. We are unable to control the speed of shipping once an item is shipped from our warehouse. We recommend shipping by XDB, FedEx, UPS, or DHL during this period as their logistics networks are less susceptible to distribution.The following delivery times are based on our current business data. In most cases, the actual delivery time falls within these ranges. However, please note that we cannot guarantee delivery within these time frames. These times are provided for reference. The shipment will be sent under the name WINSPACE CYCLING CO., LIMITED, with the company address at Rm. A07 1701-2 New Trend Ctr. 704 Prince Edward Road East San Po Kong KL, China Hong Kong.

Shipping Method

Shipping Cost

ETA (Estimated Time for Arrival)

EMS / XDB for small accessories


20-40 days / 15-20 days

EMS / XDB for wheelsets

Free Shipping / $50

20-40 days / 15-20 days

FedEx / DHL / UPS


7-14 days


  1. For orders to the USA, regardless of the shipping method selected, the delivery time generally ranges from 7 to 14 days.
  2. The exact shipping amount will be displayed in the checkout process.
  3. XDB is only an option for EU member states, the UK, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Ukraine, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Manila Philippines.
  4. For orders below $1000, the $100 paid is not for the express shipping mentioned in the third row above but is instead a fixed shipping fee for ‘non-free shipping.’ Please take special note of this.

*Free shipping on orders over $1000.

US, Europe, and China warehouses for optimal shipping based on your order and address. Local warehouse shipping offers faster delivery compared to the listed options above.